The Swan Hypnosis And More Online

Discover the most unusual but most effective strategy for personal change… ‘THE SWAN’

Probably Bob's last ever Swan workshop!

Take 5 minutes, watch below and find out why Bob Burn’s, ‘The SWAN’ is now actively used by therapists and healers in more than 85 countries around the world…

In this clip, Bob explains what the SWAN is… and how he deals with people when they first arrive for a session. Enjoy…

Want to learn how use the SWAN for you and your clients? SCROLL DOWN…

A Fantastic Online Workshop with Bob Burns

The Two Day Swan, Hypnosis and More Workshop (18th and 19th January 2025 1pm -5:30pm UK Time each day).

Bob’s work is inspirational, experimental and practical – all at the same time – a feat not many people manage. In these packed two days, Bob will share content covering hypnosis, his wonderful consultation framework, the Swan protocol and much much more including some things he has never shared in a workshop like this before.

What will be covered in the Swan, Hypnosis and More workshop?

In this content-packed workshop you will learn:

  • The perfect consultation – Bob’s template for each session which he calls the Wall. You will possess the full and complete knowledge of its power, AND be shown how to deliver it in a full consultation
  • The Swan – Bob has developed his unique and effective Swan protocol which is used by therapists across the globe. This is a way of making instant contact with the subconscious in a fully wakened state without hypnosis, as well as being a perfect complement to any hypnosis session. This is an effective technique for change with clients as well as for yourself.

Plus Bob will share:

  • Bob’s formula for handling any given challenge by any member of the public in either the therapy room, street or impromptu situation.
  • A fail-safe way of demonstrating hypnosis in a group setting.
  • Mentalism in Hypnosis – Bob will share some tools and techniques which cross over from mentalism to hypnosis and can be used in the therapy room.
  • The most important therapy questions answered.
  • And MORE.....including some of Bob's 'secrets' never shared in this format before.

This may be Bob's Final Swan Workshop

This may be the last opportunity to learn directly from Bob. All good things come to an end and Bob has been considering his future plans and it is highly likely that this will be his last Swan, Hypnosis and More workshop so if you want to ever train with Bob this is THE opportunity.

Find out more about what will be covered at the workshop:

The Perfect Consultation

The door opens and a stranger walks in…. to be met by another stranger. One is a nervous client, the other a therapist, who can ‘go with the flow’, but that is only because they own and are highly trained in: a process. A magical template which takes them from station to station in an incredible journey whereby the client now possesses no more nerves. Rather in their place is now the knowledge that this is indeed the therapist. This is the one who is about to help them. And not just because this therapist knows exactly what to do and say, but also how to deliver these skills in this… ‘The Perfect Consultation’

And in order to possess The Perfect Consultation one has to know how to break down ‘The Wall’

The Wall is a total and complete description of the consultation Bob Burns has built up in his therapy room in over 40 years. It has been said by many full time therapists around the world that if a new student only learned:

The Bob Burns Wall Template … they could literally walk into a therapy room and begin healing patients (something Bob does NOT advocate!). However, it is taught in such a way by Bob Burns himself that all students will possess the full and complete knowledge of its power, AND be shown how to deliver it in a full consultation. The student will leave with every single word (hard copy) Bob uses and his entire repertoire exactly the way he presents it.

The Swan

A full demonstration will take place of The Swan Process. Bob will reveal how to make instant contact with the subconscious in a full wakened state without any form of hypnosis. He will also revea why The Swan is NOT an Ideo-Motor Response.

Bob will explain and demonstrate every single word, movement and hesitation (and why) of how The Swan should be presented. Students will leave with the hard copy of every ‘little difference that makes the big difference’ with regard to the presentation of the Swan. And yes, this will be workshopped by the students during the 2 days, giving them the knowledge and confidence to deliver this fascinating process for the rest of their lives.

Five Point Rebuttal Formula

Designed by Bob Burns in the 80’s this is a full formula whereby the therapist can handle any given challenge by any member of the public in either the therapy room, street or
impromptu. This ensures the hypnotist will never fear any challenge from any person with regard to their hypnotic skills. Bob will demonstrate this in full so that you will be able to use it thereafter.

Group Presentations

Here the student will be shown how to story-tell, how to test the audience for both imagination and response tests. Students will also be shown how to demonstrate hypnosis (or the power of suggestion) where there can be NO failure. And of course Bob’s now world famous teaching of ‘how to present a simple business card’ in a way the recipient will never forget you!

Mentalism in Hypnosis

As a fulltime professional stage hypnotist and mentalist/magician over many years Bob will be revealing several of the very best things that crossover from mentalism to hypnosis, including work he uses in his actual therapy rooms. At the end of this section the students will have that ability and the knowledge in how to present these. This is something you WILL use, again and again and again!

The most Important Therapy Questions Answered

Bob will also honestly answer what he considers to be 6 of the most important questions any therapist could ask, and needs to know!:

Do I NEED to talk to the Subconscious
If I fix them will they stay fixed
Do they need to be in hypnosis for me to help them
Do scripts work (one of the biggest arguments in hypnotherapy)
Do I need to do phenomena in the therapy room
Is it true that a somnambulists (someone who enters hypnosis easily) gets fixed better than a non-somnambulist

PLUS Bob will be adding in some special extra topics....

Bob writes:

"In January 2025 my good friend Pete Dalton will be hosting for me a two day online workshop which will of course cover most of my teachings. But will also contain many of my secrets. Secrets of how I get appointments and get such a demand for REAL Clients. Here I will be teaching the skills of what we call:
ice breaking and Convincers. Where I will be sharing some things I have never shared before with anyone other than those in my special groups in Southampton".


The full cost of the workshop is £195

*in addition, if you have attended a previous training with Bob Burns and want to attend as a refresher we are offering a special rate of £150. Contact us for more details.

What People Are Saying

"I would just like to say a big thank you to Pete Dalton and Bob Burns for putting on an amazing workshop. Its was packed full of great teachings, learnings and also great storys from Bob that put the meat on the bones, I really enjoyed it and the time just flew by, I just wished it had been longer. Anyone thinking about doing a workshop with Bob “Just stop it” ! and get on and do it!!!!

Des Howden

"Amazing Weekend! The SWAN introduces a new dynamic to therapy, its approach is so simple and yet has a depth which is limited by the curiosity alone!
Andrew Embling. Coach and Therapist

"Having attended Bob Burns “Swan Protocol Workshop” a few times I would say that he is without doubt the most gifted trainer in the field of Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis techniques, the way bob imparts and teaches his knowledge is very unique with it all coming from his own experiences in the therapy room which give the students a better understanding of how they can expand their own knowledge and success. I would highly recommend to anyone interested in the Hypnotherapy field to get themselves booked onto one of Bob’s workshops,you won’t be disappointed."

George Watson, Kingdom Hypnotherapy

"Bob Burns says that the first time you fully get the Swan protocol to work, “you will explode!” A big claim for a single protocol but he’s not kidding - this is a seriously powerful technique and you are doing yourself and your clients a disservice if you don’t have it. Bob is hypnotherapy royalty and his training is fantastic. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a training as much, and Bob’s ability to work with a huge group, yet make you feel like you’re the only person in the room, is incredible. He is incredibly generous with his time and his training - if you are a new therapist just starting out this information covers everything you could possibly need to know, and I count myself very lucky to have attended. This was my first training with Bob, but I’m sure it won’t be my last!"

Vic Paterson, The Curiosity Space

"I took the 2-day training with Bob on the Swan technique. It turned out to be a game-changer for me.
Not only did Bob go into the finer details of the technique, but he also shared probably all of the knowledge that he has gained over many years in his craft, and the techniques and "tricks" that he uses in therapy, and outside of therapy. I would recommend this training to anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of therapy, hypnosis, life, techniques that will change your business and how you operate, and a greater understanding of who you are. Thank you very much Bob, I was not expecting such a transformational, eye-opening and funny two days".

Yours sincerely, Patrick Bradley, Hypnotherapist.

"After hearing a friend in Australia talk about what she referred to as a ‘mind-blowing’ technique used by her coach, I became intrigued by the Swan Protocol. My research took me straight to Bob’s sessions, which were stalled due to Covid. Luckily for me, the session was run soon after and online. We spent 2 days over zoom led by Bob Burns, the inventor of the Swan, with the help of Pete Dalton.

Bob skilfully and enthusiastically introduced us to the technique in a manner that suited me, the complete beginner very well. Admittedly, I had my doubts after Day 1 and was unsure I would be able to successfully use this. However Bob gently encouraged me to give it a go the next day and it worked. His style is encouraging, never forceful. It is obvious how much he actually cares that what he is teaching is in fact understood by the recipients. I must mention, being that it was the first time the workshop was run online, it was seamless, I would have thought they were experienced at it.

I look forward to practicing, and will happily attend another course led by Bob. Thank you immensely for the effort that went into these two days".

Suparna Malhotra

"I completed a 2 day Swan Protocol Workshop via Zoom recently. It was absolutely fascinating, with the hand movements and inner voice coming through. Bob Burns made the Workshop fun, and he conducted it with humour. The Workshop was very informative, and I would thoroughly recommend it. Prior to the Workshop, I was a chronic insomniac, since the Workshop, I have slept much better".
Alison Kennedy

"I attended Bob Burn’s two day Workshop. It was a content packed workshop, which not only instructed us on The Swan but also other aspects of his therapy. Bob is generous with his information as well as his time. It was a thoroughly enjoyable two days and I have no hesitation in recommending this as an excellent value, and enjoyable two day workshop".

Jane Clark -Clinical Hypnotherapist

"I attended this workshop knowing of Bob Burns and The Swan by reputation only. I was not disappointed. Bob kept me laughing and smiling while he forced knowledge into my brain almost by stealth (Sneaky is best!). Bob is very generous with his knowledge and experience and I learnt much more than I had bargained for. A fantastic way to spend a few days – I’d highly recommend".

Caroline Pett

"I enjoyed training with Bob Burns very much. What I liked best about Bob Burns’s approach to training is the light heartedness. Learning with him really is fun. More than that he brings out the joy in the process itself and his assurance that perfection isn’t necessary gives me the confidence to go out and use the protocols he taught. He also provides a solid track to run on so I know where I am going when I use his methods".
Julie Perks

Who should attend?

The workshop will mainly be for those with some knowledge and experience of hypnotherapy who are looking for that extra something. It might be how to build a certain confidence within yourself or how to present perfectly to the client in the therapy room in such a way which highly increases your success rate. It may be that you want additional insights and approaches to complement what you already do or to add more into what you do. It may be that you have heard so much about Bob and are curious to find out first hand what he does. It might be that you want to find out how to work with the Swan. Whichever – this is the perfect opportunity for you. Expect an informative, fun and inspiring workshop!

Where will the training be held?

Online via Zoom

What are the training times?

18th January, 2025
1:00pm - 5:30pm UK
19th January, 2025
1:00pm - 5:30pm UK

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Bob Burns The Swan Hypnosis and More Online Jan 2025

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