Join Nick Kemp the creator of Provocative Change Works for an exploration of successful approaches to resolving anxiety related issues in a new three part online workshop.
(If you have trained with Nick on one of his 12 month PCW Development Programmes there is a special rate of £169).
The Provocative Change Works (PCW) model is an excellent approach for dealing with anxiety related issues. There are all sorts of different categorisations for such issues including OCD, insomnia, generalised anxiety, phobias among other issues, but there will always be a common theme at the heart of each issue.
This online training explores how PCW can be used in a variety of ways to resolve and assist clients to resolve such problems. This is not a training about learning the PCW model as in the one-year PCW trainings, but rather a detailed exploration through case studies over twenty years as to what has worked best in such situations. An awareness of the PCW model is useful but not essential in attending this online training.
Attendees of the training will have the opportunity to volunteer a client for a zoom session with Nick that can then be deconstructed in the training to show how PCW is used in real life clinical practice.
This training will be over three sessions to give the best opportunity for skills development and integration. This workshop is suited to those working directly with clients either in a coaching or therapeutic capacity.
Nick writes: This is a stand alone training and follows a history of me working directly with members of the public which I started doing in 2010 when hosted by Steve Andrees in Boulder. I'll be running more expanded trainings in this format, highlighting the importance of duty of care in clinical practice and only working with client issues that have been comprehensively tested with the PCW model over the last eighteen years.
Here’s some of what we will cover in the bespoke modules –
• Identifying the common factors in anxiety, OCD, insomnia and phobias
• How to set the best frame for a clinical client session
• The best use of utilising client notes to assist with client change
• The myths and reality of OCD, phobic clients and other anxiety issues
• Using the PCW stances to challenge the generalised unhelpful client beliefs.
• The importance of psychoeducation and working conversationally in client sessions
• Identifying “the ingredients” that are the drivers for creating the problem behaviours.
• Case studies in OCD, Phobias, insomnia, panic attacks and other related issues
• Deconstruction of zoom client sessions chosen by Nick as the best examples in showcasing the effectiveness of the model.
• Q and A with Nick
Watch Nick discussing the workshop in this short video.
This training is geared to people who are working with clients and/or want to explore best to resolve anxiety related client problems. This material comes from two decades of working with anxiety conditions across the globe and details what works best for such problems.
Here’s some of what you can learn from attending this training -
• Learn how to work in a more precise way to achieve faster longer lasting client results.
• Discover how to bypass relying on traditional techniques associated with NLP, Hypnosis and CBT and work in a more effective conversational manner.
• Learn from over two decades of case studies highlighting the approaches that have been more effective in resolving anxiety related problems.
• A unique opportunity for your clients to experience the power of PCW and to learn from the recorded sessions.